How to Add a Countdown to Baskets

Adding countdowns to your baskets is a great way to create a sense of urgency and remind those you invite what the deadline is to your event or occasion. Here we'll give you all the info on how to add countdowns to your baskets.
Creating a countdown
- Head to the Basket tab in the app and and hit the purple 'New basket' button.
- Give your basket a title.
- Select the type of basket you'd like to create. Currently, options are Private, Collab, Gift, and Public.
- Then tap "Add countdown".
- You'll have the option to continue without a countdown, or choose your birthday (if this is not already set in your profile you'll be prompted to do so here. NOTE: This can only be set once so be careful), or select 'Custom date' to open the calendar and choose any future date.
- Once selected, the basket will automatically appear with the countdown attached in the right hand corner.
Additional info
- If your basket is public, collab or gift, anyone you share the basket with will see this countdown so they can use it as a reminder for the deadline you've set.
- Once the countdown ends the basket is still fully active and visible to you and all invited users.
- You can choose to show your birthday on your profile by toggling the option in the ‘Edit profile’ section of your profile. Tap on your username to see the ‘Edit profile’ screen.